Alison Repp – Let Go & Find Flow29 min read

Janine Bolon: Welcome to the Practical Mystic Show. I am your hostess, Janine Bolon, and I am here with Alison Repp today and I just cannot tell you how excited I am because this woman, she actually has these mindset boot camps. She is been working on online courses and this was done long before other people decided they needed to do online courses. She was already moving her practice to an online setup and that was so intriguing to me was how she brought all that to forefront. Thank you so much for being with us today, Alison. I appreciate it.

Alison Repp: Thank you for having me. I am just as excited to be here as you are to have me here.

Janine: Yes, I almost forgot to hit the record button. Just to let you know we were like talking ahead of time, what we want to discuss, how we wanted to help people, and then I was like, you know what, we got stop talking and just start recording and get this going. Thank you so much. We decided that there are three points because Alison is very broad and she is able to embrace a lot of different talents, gifts, and demographics. We really wanted to hone in on her three passions because we know that if she really talks about these three passions, then you as the listener will really be able to take some of the practical tools that she has and be able to use them. Starting off, we are just going to talk a little bit about the type of people that seemed to kind of fall into your work, Alison. If you do not mind, first of all, talking about what it is that you do what you enjoy, and then let us talk a little bit about the people that are waking up around you, and how you like to embrace them? If you do not mind, let us go there.

Alison: Yes, yes. It all started in my private practice. I am a licensed therapist and it was interesting because when I was in my undergrad, I was getting very into the mystical spiritual world and then when I entered my graduate schooling to be a therapist, for some reason, I got this idea that they were separate and that they could not go hand in hand. Because the therapy was really focused on the 3D human experience and so I kind of got away from my spirituality to focus on this training. When I got into my private practice after I graduated, I started getting back into the spirituality learning and I just started to realize that these two needed each other. I started integrating it in my practice and in lots of different ways, in ways that I knew would make sense to that particular client. Doing that, integrating the two just took everybody to a completely new level because you kind of need the practical skills for the human experience and then cannot get stuck in the present or the past, you need those tools for how to move forward and create your future.

I feel like I am getting a little off topic here, but the spiritual high end that I now work with are women. I ended up when COVID started. It has been such a huge blessing. I took all the things that I would teach to my clients which were these core set of skills that apply to everything in life, everything that comes up, and I put them into an online video mindset boot camp. I ended up doing it just for women because that is what my guides told me to do.

Now, it has expanded and I am doing workshops as well. I am getting more ideas for the future that I will not share yet because we will see you when they come to fruition. I also have free workshops and it is just amazing how when you aligned with your purpose how it easily all of that expands. Does that answer your question?

Janine: Oh, it does, yes, very well. You have three courses, right? Three different courses and they are on your website.

Alison: I have one main boot camp, the video boot camp. I then also have a free workshop. I also have a quiz and I have just say an exercise that has to do with authenticity that I sell separately but it is also included in the boot camp. Right now it just has one main core with the other little freebies for people. We will see where it goes in the future.


Janine: Yes. I just remember going to your website going, “Oh, this is so cool.” I just really like how you had everything laid out, that was very easy to understand. It was not complicated. There was not like what you sometimes find with therapist where they have a lot of lingo affiliated with it and trying to figure out where you are supposed to go and what you are supposed to do it is difficult, and your website is very practical. Thank you so much for that. Let us talk a little bit about the three areas that we wanted to really help listeners with and the first where I am going to let you guys know that what we are doing is we are talking first about negative thoughts, the next one is unhelpful emotions, and the third one is what is it really mean to realign with your authenticity. The first one dealing with negative thought. One of the things Alison and I were talking about before we got on was how some people say, okay, Law of Attraction, I have got to be positive all the time, and I have to ignore my negative thoughts. Go ahead and talk to us a little bit about what your experience has been regarding the negative thoughts, and how you help your clients?


Alison: Yes. It is interesting because even if people do not understand the Law of Attraction, there is this movement for being positive all the time. On some level, even if they are unconsciously aware of it, everybody is recognizing that their thoughts really do create their reality and that it creates at least their internal reality, right? It is a very empowering thing and it is wonderful to understand that but then people start to become scared of their negative thoughts. It ends up kind of being detrimental to them because there is no human experience without “negative thoughts.” Same thing with emotions, with the painful emotions, it is why we came here to be human. It is a way for us to level up. We have to have that shadow side, that darkness, to be able to find more light.

First, I just want to quickly explain the difference between thoughts and emotions because they are two separate things and it is really important to understand that they are separate because you will deal with them in very different ways.

Thoughts are strings of words that go through your head. They are the sentences, they also include images, but those are our thoughts. Now, our thoughts actually create a chemical release into our body and they create an emotion. That is why we think they are the same thing because they are very closely connected. The emotion is a feeling, right? That is why we call them feelings too it is because it is actually something that you feel in your body and yes, we have thoughts to describe and to name the emotion, but the emotion is something that is felt. The thought is something that is just made up of words in your mind.


With thoughts you are always going to have negative thoughts. We have to have negative thoughts because they protect us. They also show us what we do not want and there is so much use for our negative thoughts. What happens is people think that they have to only think positive thoughts so that they can manifest what they want in life and they try to push the negative thoughts away, or they try to find ways to get rid of the negative thoughts forever. Those negative thoughts will inevitably come back. When they do and you think you have gotten rid of them or escape them somehow, they are even louder, right?

The thing that I teach people to do is basically to turn the volume down on the thoughts. We are not going to try to get rid of them. We are going to be accepting of them and to use them to our benefit. Here is the thing too, I do not call them positive or negative thoughts, and I love reading this in your book, “Finding the Divine” book. You were talking about how there is, when we are not in the human experience, when we are our spiritual selves, there is no such thing as like good, right, wrong, bad, any of those dualities. I approached thoughts in the same way as that there is no right or wrong, or good or bad, or positive or negative. The way that I approach them is, are they helpful or unhelpful to you, right? It does not make them wrong or bad if they are unhelpful. It just means that it is not great for you. It is not helping you in your experience. When you recognized that you are having an unhelpful thought, I teach people to get some distance from it, to be an observer of it, instead of internalizing it as who they are.

I have a lot of different techniques that I use in the boot camp but the main one that I usually use myself is just simply saying, “Oh, thanks mind,” when I noticed those thoughts, and to not judge the thoughts but to just observe them with curiosity. That is the little tool that I like the best because it is just not putting a lot of weight on the side, it is just like, oh, thanks and moving on, right? You are not pouring your energy into getting rid of them or changing the thought, the negative thought, into a positive one. You are just not pouring energy into the unhelpful thought at all. Then you are able to send energy on things that are more fulfilling to you instead of being caught up in fighting the natural part of you that is human.

Janine: I totally agree and I really enjoyed the way you described how you are like, “Oh, thank you mind and then moving on,” right? You acknowledge it and move on without judgment. In “The Power of Now,” Eckhart Tolle talks about how when you have thoughts that are not necessarily helpful or you do not really want to be having them to distance yourself and be the observer and one of his little tips that I will add and piggyback onto yours is act like you are a cat that is looking at a mouse hole and you want to see what is the next thought that is going to come through. Just like Alison said, you acknowledge the fact you have thoughts. Like Alison said, you need to be the observer, but I, Janine desperately needed a metaphor, because that is kind of how I live my life. So to sit there and play pretend I am a cat, watching, looking at a mouse hole, waiting to see what the next thought is going to be. You can go a long time in your meditations without a thought because you are observing. That really helped me, just like I love the way you talk about, you would acknowledge it and move on because you are a mother right? You have got a couple one or two or five kids. I forget how many years, I think. You got two…

Alison: With the whole drive of kids, I do not know how you do it.

Janine: I always, but I know as a mother though, we do not have the luxury of time as they used to like when we had to wash our clothes by hand. Thank God, we do not, I like my machines. I am not saying that. I am just saying we do not have the luxury of time like a lot of the older techniques had. So thank you.

So have practical mystics like Alison, we have modern approaches that are very fast and very powerful to help you transition. The old school eastern way of talking about this was whether your thoughts were appropriate or inappropriate for your lifestyle, but I prefer your word which is helpful or not helpful because there is no shadow of judgment on something like that. It is just, is it helpful or is it not helpful? So thank you, Alison. Let us move on to the painful emotions and the tip that you like to give your people on how to move fast like grief is very large right now. People are in grief about a life that they are not going to have. We have teenagers who are in grief because they are not going to have the graduation they wanted. Grief is a big one and that is the lowest frequency.

Alison: Yes.

Janine: It is right there with depression, right? That is an extreme example if you want to start a little bit higher, more anxiety or nervousness and talk about some tools. We would love to hear what you have to share.

Alison: Yes. With emotions there is actually just one tool that I have shared. I am not going to give away all of it here because it is in the boot camp. This is the trickier when to talk about with emotions.

Janine: Okay.

Alison: Because it is a there is one tool for processing emotions that I use. I will give little tidbits here, but you know all of our– what is great about this approach that I have been using over the years is like I said is, it is all these skills apply to everything. So you do not need to like say, “Oh, okay. I am having this kind of thought, so I will use this technique or what was that technique for when I feel anxiety versus grief.” With those painful emotion, let me just preface this with, we spend a lot of time, same thing the same way with negative thoughts running from them or repressing them and a lot of times they do not even know it and we do it because in our society we are not taught to process then. We are taught that they are bad and scary and wrong and that we just need to be happy. There are just moments that I am just…

Janine: How dare you bring me down when I am having a good moment, right? It is all that controlling your environment stuff that we sometimes get wrapped up in. I am guilty of that, you know.

Alison: Yes. In the same way as you are always going to have a negative thought, you were always going to have painful emotions come up. What matters is how you react to those emotions because if you react by running, or repressing them, or distracting yourself all the time, that is why I Covid been so hard for a lot of people because we do not have as many distractions now to be busy and out of our house was not running around. We are having to stay those emotions. Again same way with thoughts, when you think that you have gotten rid of it and then you feel it again, it is even more intense when you feel it again. When you have these painful emotions, I urge people to understand, find where it is in your body. Again, I am not going to go through the whole process because, it is like this one.

Janine: Oh, no. Your boot camp is totally good. Yes.

Alison: Yes.

Janine: No, it is okay. It is a process.

Alison: I do want to give tip so, drop down into your body. Because we are always in our mind and we are always try to analyze everything and come up with why I am feeling this, why I am feeling this. If we figure out why we are feeling it and suddenly it will disappear, and that is not the case. Again, we are using all this energy. Track down into your body and noticed where you are feeling at most intensely. Again, observe it with curiosity instead of judgment. I cannot stress this curiosity instead of judgment, saying enough with thoughts emotions, everything in life with interacting with other people. Because judgment just creates more negative thoughts and does not it creates more painful emotions, right? If you could do it like the mouthful, I love that. Or a little kid’s seeing something for the first time, or a scientist, right? You are scientists. Discovering something new, it just does not give it as much power over your internal state.

Janine: Right. You and I were talking about how it is the beginner’s mind. If you approach it like a beginner, it is you are open to all the avenues and all the potentiality of it. Sometimes we totally shut that down because if you are judging it, then, you are just building more barriers, you are putting up more walls. You are trying to sequester it and secluded and put it behind steel girders. It is just not helpful.


Alison: You are scared of it.

Janine: Oh, yes.

Alison: You become scared of it.

Janine: Raising my hand right now. Yes. I am very good at that. Thank you very much.

Alison: Oh! I mean, so I am. That just the thing, nobody is going to be perfect like that thing. Would you rather be a little bit better or a lot of it better by learning some really helpful techniques or just continuing to be miserable.

Janine: Yes, we did talk about that. I do want to move on because for those who are listening Alison has an amazing boot camp, which is why I was reaching out to her, to get her onto the show so that she could talk a little bit about that. She has some brilliant tools, go to her website. She has lots of free stuff on it that you can look through and see what she is doing with that.

Let us talk about this thing because this was a hot topic. I did not realize what a hot button it was for us until we started talking and that was real lining with your authenticity. This is everywhere in the metaphysical psychic and spiritual communities. You need to be authentic, be yourself. You, be you, these are platitudes, forgive me for saying that and I am not trying to be nasty to anybody but it is their platitudes when somebody is struggling. If somebody is challenge, just you be you.

I remember when I was in a very depressed state after my father died. I did not know how to be me right then because I was learning how to be me grieving. Yes. I had never learned how to because when my mom died I was too busy. I was like college and my dad was not doing well and yes I have four kids. I was trying to learn what it meant to be Janine grieving because I had not ever been Janine grieving. So that too big for somebody to come up to me and then say, “You just be you.” That was just crazy confusing. So I would love for you to chat a little bit about how people can realign to their authenticity even while they are learning how to be themselves.

Alison: Yes. The way that I go about authenticity is defining your core values and there is another hot topic word, right your values and I am very, very honed in on this, I am practical about this because I know the frustration of just like, how, how. I just want to be clear first that that it is natural to become misaligns with who you truly are. Because we are taught in our society when we are born from our parents, you should be this way or your teachers tell you that this way of being is the best way and we have all these influences and so we are just trying to make it. We are just trying to be good people instead of like, oh, well, I will do this and will do this thing and I should volunteer more and I should whatever it is. We get just really misaligns that I saw, it does not mean that were bad people. It just means that we are not living in alignment with our unique core values.

Now, when I say core values, this is not moral. This is not virtues. This is not should. It has nothing to do with anything outside of yourself. What values are, is who it feels best for you to be. It is who you are being what you were doing when you are being the very best version of yourself. I love– there is approach to it because a lot of times people say well like, I value honesty. I just really, like I need people to be honest with me. I do not want dishonest people in my life. There is nothing wrong with that but that is a goal. The way that I approach this, right?

Janine: No. Wait a minute. Just brilliant. Forgive me, I am just pause you right here. Whenever someone says what I need or what I want is I want other people around me to behave in a certain way. You and I were both talking about this.

Alison: Yes.

Janine: This is an external low cause of control. Meaning you have no control over that unless you personally manifest it first. You must radiate that in order to then be able to have people around to respond to that frequency and decide maybe that is a happy place to be, right? Anyway, so forgive me for jumping in like that, but you were so on point with that of whenever you see yourself starting to demand in your value system that other people have to behave a certain way to you now. Now this is different. We are not talking about domestic abuse and blah, blah, blah. We are talking about emotional things that are going on, but I just had to share that with you because over and over I see that in people who are trying so desperately to feel better by changing the externals. You are so good at is doing the internal. Yes.

Alison: Yes. That is all my focus is. Because it is the most empowering thing. Otherwise, you are just giving your power away. When you get caught up in that cycle of wanting other people to be a certain way in order to please you, then you also subconsciously you are putting yourself in a position where you believe that you have to change yourself to please others. Round and round we go in a cycle of misery.

Janine: We are not jumping on that merry-go-round. We are going to stay off somewhere ground and Alison’s going to take us home. You can try to make a point here.

Alison: No, it is fine. No. I mean, this is how these dialogues are supposed to go, right? So with the values and they are something that you can always be an alignment with, no matter what the situation is. It does not mean that it is always appropriate, it does not mean that you always have to be aligned with all of your values. For example humor is one of my values or cussing, but it would not be appropriate for me to walk into a funeral and start cussing and telling jokes, right? You do not always have to be aligned with your values. They are fluid, they are flexible.

When you understand your core values, like you were saying, you no longer have to feel like to change yourself to please somebody else. If you really are truly understanding what core values are and the magic of them, you are no longer asking other people to change to please you. You understand that they have a different way that it feels good for them to be in your more accepting. You end up being able to align with them. Like I said, no matter what the circumstances are and you then enjoy your journey to achieving your goals. So often we think I am going to reach this goal and then I will be happy, or then I will be more playful, or then I will whatever. Then we get there and we are happy for a brief moment and facilities our brief moment. Then, again, we go to the next goal and we are miserable for however long until we reach that goal. It helps you to enjoy that journey and it helps you to align with your purpose.

These core values, like I think honesty thing, so it would not be, oh, a value of mine is when people are honest. If you thought it is honesty was a value to you what that would mean is that it feels best for you when you are being honest with others. For me, if feel best for me when I am being genuine and that includes cussing, that includes being silly and goofy, that includes being loud, that includes singing, that includes all these different things. Those are things that I always have access to and so this is one of those powerful exercises that I have with clients and that I have in the boot camp because it allows you to be authentically you and to clearly define that. So the exercise is actually, there is a hundred values cards be print off and cut out and you sort through them and you get down to your top 7 to 10.

When you have that clarity with that then it is so much easier to align with them. You are not just kind of like, guessing. Oh, this feels good to me. This feels good to me. It just clearly defines who feels best for you to be and once you align with those like I said, it really starts leading you into your purpose and I am a living example of that.

Janine: Exactly. You and I were talking about that how basically our businesses we got into our businesses because we just wanted to show people what we learned and how we are living. What we have learned and we help other people out and just so you guys know and Alison does not know, I am going to be saying this but she actually has those cards already printed a beautifully done and they are available on her website, so you do not even have to print them off. If you want to really pretty deck of cards that are printed up was like 17 bucks or something like that. That is sound a…

Alison: Actually, are not printed out.

Janine: Oh, they are not printed out.

Alison: Yes. No, they are not printed out. I need to take some tips from you of getting into the packaging things up and mailing them business because you are good at that. No. There are prints out.


Janine: Well, still, I loved….

Alison: I will say they are still available.

Janine: Well, they are. I loved how they looked and what they were like, so yes. That is something that you can get very low cost just to see if the way that Alison has these very practical tips. If they are in alignment with where you want to go in your life because we hear these words all the time. Authenticity, be in your own alignment, understand your purpose. I am currently today 56 years old and I am still working on my purpose because guess what, my whole purpose is about expansion. I know I am never going to be done. I will die with projects in my basement that I could not complete because I have enough stuff in my head that is going to last me at least 300 years, to be able to get them done because I am just that kind of creative thought. At the same time, I am going to die with a smile on my face because, gosh, did I have a good time creating? That is what is so much fun about it. If you would not mind…

Alison: I will not say to really like that, if they get the seventeen dollar authenticity card for is not also included in the boot camp. When they purchase that, they will get a code for seventeen dollar off to boot camp if they decide they want to go through and do the entire thing.

Janine: Well, that is just cool. All right, I did not know that well. That is particular button on your website, that is great. So let us go ahead and…

Alison: Yes, we set up what is best to be.

Janine: Yes. Exactly, exactly. That is how we treat our people. We take care of our people. Let us go ahead and wrap this up. I would love for you to kind of bring it all together. You have given us a couple of tools, any tools that pop into your head that you would like to help us with turning down the volume on thoughts. I do not want to have you reveal too much about the emotional stuff because that boot camp is so epic. What are some tools or ideas that we could do for the alignment aspect of our authenticity? Because that something that is kind of– yes. That is constantly something that pops into people’s heads. Yes.

Alison: Yes. Yes. Before I forget remind me to give you the discount code for listeners for the boot camp.

Janine: Okay. No problem.

Alison: Yes. One of the ways, aside from the value card sort which is called the authenticity cards sort my website. One of the other most powerful ways to do it is to think about the times in your life that you look back on with the most pride or fondness and think who was I being then, what was I doing, or that you have just the most love for that just bring you those good feelings. For example, I have one. I was in Vegas with my husband. He was working and I spent 45 minutes jumping up and down on the bed in the hotel room with music blasting just like dancing all around and that was a great memory for me because for me that was being present in the moment and playful, and grateful. There are few things that popped up and so I can take those things right that I was I was playful and I can bring that into so many other aspects of my life and find so much more fulfilment in my life that way.

It does not have to just be fun times. It can also be times where you just felt good about who you were could be that you were direct, or that you were reliable, or that you were genuine, or that you were loving, or carrying, or it is limitless, honestly.

Janine: One of the things that you and I had discussed earlier was, we both have a desire. We come at it from different perspectives and we come at it from different– using different tools but it is the same focus. We want people to be able to sit in a room by themselves and be very comfortable, just me, myself, and I and to be in a place where they are at peace with all that is happening within and without. Because that is the hard part right is we know we have that spiritually speaking. Some of us have that gift, but we do not always know how to express that in into the matrix. Any last thoughts on this before we wrap up.

Alison: The coupon code. So there will be a coupon code for your listeners. It will be–well, now, I am just making this up off the top of my head because I am going to create it right after this. What do you want it to be? We could make it practical mystic 100.

Janine: That sounds pretty.

Alison: So the boot camp is usually only three hundred and forty seven dollars. So this will make it two hundred and forty seven dollars and I also have payment plans so you can do a three month payment plan. So that means that your first month would only be twenty five dollars. Then she more payment of one hundred and twenty five dollars.

Janine: Yes, make sense. Thank you very much for doing that for our listeners. Alison, how can people find you? What is the name of your website?

Alison: My website is

Janine: Okay. Is there any…

Alison: Instagram I do a lot, so that my name on Instagram is Alison underscore Repp. It is Alison with one L and then underscore R-E, double P as in Peter.

Janine: Okay. So definitely Instagram is the place she hangs out and that is how you can reach with her there and also definitely stop by and go to the, and put in your coupon code and definitely take Alison’s boot camp. I was lucky enough to be there when she was creating and building and it is totally worth every penny. I was also lucky enough to be there when she was speaking about it from the stage. She is an internationally trained speaker and she is worth every penny. So Alison, thank you so much for being on the Practical Mystic Show.

Alison: Thank you. Thank you for having me.

Janine: So this is Janine Bolon signing off and remember if you hear things, see things, experience things that the people around you do not, then you hang out with us here at the Practical Mystic Show. We have a lot of people that have that very same gift and we will be glad to bring them on the show and have them talk to you about how you too, can be an empath, clairvoyant, psychic, medium, mystic. However, you choose to label yourself and still get along very well in this modern world. Have a great day.


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