Janine Bolon: Hi! This is Janine Bolon with The Practical Mystic Show. Today, I wanted to talk about you finding your own Divine path. But first, before I go into that, I would like to chat with you a little bit about how I found mine and then some of the definitions that I have, so it would bring a little bit more clarity. I share this with you because after decades, long search for my own source, for my own Creator through meditation and hundreds of indescribable experiences. And after years of internal psychological training, it was still very stressful for me to receive the vision that I needed to write a series of books and perform a podcast on these sorts of spiritual trainings that I received because you kind of have to remember I had written for years on basic principles of personal money management, math, science, and homeschooling. And I just so did not consider myself a writer of the metaphysical world.
After all the information that I have been given over the twenty-something years had come from the spiritual plane, not through the normal channels of lessons, courses, or a scholarly pursuit of a theology degree. I see huge differences in the way of spirituality is approached. My personal definition of spirituality is broken down into the approach used by the individual. There are mystics and then there are theologians.
Mystics have personal experiences with the Divine and get their knowledge from metaphysical experiences. Theologians study the Divine relying on the written word and knowledge brought about by long hours of committed scholarship. I found myself being asked to write about spirituality that have been informed by experiences gained from a blend of exposures to multiple countries, cultures, and canons so that I could not describe a single source for my viewpoint. The best I could do when I was introducing myself was, “Hi! I am Janine Bolon, a recovering Catholic” and all I could do was go from there.
How was I supposed to write a series of books on the Divine? The experiences I had undergone were too far outside of anything I had read or heard about from other people, living or dead for that matter. How was I supposed to reveal such an intimate understanding when so much of my training had been to not talk about personal things? When I sat in meditation to get inspiration I was given a simple suggestion, “Janine, just start writing,” so I did.
The biggest aspect of God’s realm, daddy’s realm or Source’s realm, however you refer to source that I was compelled to share with you is his perspective filter through my itty-bitty tiny-teeny perspective. God or Source is too fast and too enigmatic to allow a single soul like me to know all there is to know about Source. However, this itty-bitty perspective that I do have may be able to help you along your own spiritual path and remembering all that you are. If nothing else, it will just give you an example, consider me a case study.
The point is this, you can communicate directly with your Source or Creator in a loving peaceful way without the need for external validation from anyone. The way you are living your life is correct for you and if folks around you do not like it, well, that is just too bad. Your boss is your Source. Your boss is your Creator. Your boss is your own version of your higher self. There is so much love and light in the upper realms of creation. I hope that this particular podcast and the books that I have written can give you a glimpse into the heaven on Earth and beyond. This can be yours. And I hope that the works I have presented to you inspire you to go within and learn more about the Source for yourself.
The questions that originally drove me into learning more about the Divine were these, why are we humans here on Earth? Well, I had that question answered for me. The answer I received and I do not know if these answers appropriate for you or not is that the main reason we are here on Earth is to create. To create the life that we love, to create joy, to create relationships, to build, to expand, to learn more about what and who we are.
The second question that drove me was, why do we have life and death? Well, that question was answered for me as well. Actually, we do not have life and death. There is no such thing as death. The soul is always alive forever and all eternity. When we forget who we are and we come into this human being that we feel we are at this cute little three-dimensional avatar.
We are here on live to experience as much of it as we can in this limited three-dimensional space-time considerate the wonderful ride, this amazing roller coaster of mental thoughts and a human emotions. It is one of the few places in the universe that have all that it has here on planet Earth. I know that may sound a little weird but you can refer to my books as a refresh reference for all this.
Why is there so much suffering in the world? Well, believe it or not, some people pick it and I know that maybe really harsh to some but those sufferings are people realizing that they have disconnected from their Source energy and that they need to refer back through meditation and through higher emotional states to get back to that Source. This is a very complicated section and I do not want you to think that I am not compassionate to those who are in need. Just realize that there are choices that are being made every day by people. And so when you wonder why is there so much suffering into this world? Well, the idea is to help you choose what to do with your life so that when you see someone suffering, you have a choice, you can help them and make different choices for yourself.
We are all learning together. All eight billion souls that are human. They are on this planet, are all creating and learning from one another. Why cannot we all just get along? Well, that one was answered for me, too. And that is because everybody wants something different from this planet. Everybody wants something different. They all want their own experiences. And guess what? There is conflicts with that sometimes.
My own, my biggest one was why does my heart hurt so bad now that my mother is dead and she is with you, God? I was twenty-one when I had that question and it took a few years of meditation and understanding and some training as a shaman before I truly understood why my heart hurt. And that was because I was pinching myself off from my own intuition in my own source energy from that. My hope is that you learn to connect with your own soul and remember that you too have answers to your own life questions. Any question, no matter how complicated, convoluted, or contorted will be answered by your connection with your Source energy, with your God, with your connection. However, you want to refer to that with all that is.
So, how do you do this? Well, from my life experiences and having spoken to hundreds of mystics, healers, psychics, mediums, and Scholars I have found that there are few methods that work when it comes to reconnecting with Source energy. The first one is meditation. The second one is self-analysis and the third one is journaling. When it comes to meditation, there are thousands of ways to meditate and it does not take long. You can meditate for three minutes a day and find a peace and calmness coming upon you. You do not think that you have to meditate for hours. It can take very short period of time. I would recommend when you are first starting out, three minutes and not to really push it much longer than fifteen minutes unless you are finding peace and joy and comfort in it. But do not force yourself to sit for longer than three minutes if you are struggling.
The next one is self-analysis. Make sure that you ask yourself, “Why I lied?” Why did you think that? Why are you thinking that? When you have a situation that pops up and you get triggered and you react emotionally to it, ask yourself, “Why am I reacting that way? Did that person really mean it that way? Why am I taking it that way?” Self-analysis is a great way to remind yourself that you are a Divine being.
The third one is journaling. Take time every day to just sit and write your thoughts down. It is a wonderful thing to go back years later and see how much progress you have made in when you journal. It is a form of connecting with your higher self.
And here is a bonus one for you, singing. When was the last time you sang? Did you know that when you sing, you put your soul in a higher frequency, higher vibratory rate while it is in the body? Singing is a universal language whether you can carry a tune or not. I recommend that you sing and if you do not like the way you sing, then whistle. If you do not know how to whistle, hum. These are always a vibrating at a higher frequency to kind of throw off some of the negativity you might be experiencing today.
Thank you for listening to this podcast. We produce it every Friday. Go ahead and follow and subscribe to us. If you would like more information and articles on what was happening with the practical mystics, go to the practical mystics.com. and there you will find a community. Have a fantastic day today and do your best to stay in that alignment that brings you the most comfort and joy. This is Janine Bolon with The Practical Mystic Show.